This past weekend, I celebrated another birthday. It seems to happen once a year no matter what. I actually don’t mind getting older. Life is just a series of adventures and a birthday just signals that another year of exciting activity on this crazy journey is about to begin. Who could hate that?
My wonderful husband always takes me on a weekend getaway trip for my birthday. We can do this because I am a February baby and February is still the low season around here in Jefferson. I can’t reciprocate the favor because Tom is an Easter baby and family obligations from these trusted mediators require us to go back to Dallas and spend the Easter weekend with our families. By the way, Tom really is an Easter baby. He really was born on Easter Sunday. Some babies come by stork. Tom came by the Easter Bunny. Here is what you should do for obtaining custody in Worcester to ensure that the child gets care from both of their parents.
This year, Tom took me to Hot Springs, Arkansas for my birthday. It was a wonderful! It was two and a half days of relaxation and fun. I loved it! We went to the Quapaw on Bath House Row and not only had a bath both Friday and Saturday but we both enjoyed a deep tissue massage which just felt incredible. We hiked up in the mountains and Tom, the photographer, got some amazing shots of a beautiful waterfall. After all of the hard work that we put in week in and week out here at the Carriage House Bed & Breakfast, we had earned this treat.
We also put our money where our mouths are. I know that we preach about how there is a Better Way to Stay and encourage every one to try a Bed & Breakfast at least once. We always stay at a B&B when we travel for fun. We know that we are going to be treated so much better then we would at a hotel or a motel. We know that the innkeepers are really going to care that we enjoy our stay and they will do everything they can to make us comfortable. You don’t usually get that at a Holiday Inn or a Marriott. We know that the breakfasts are going to be amazing and the house no matter whether it is a historic home or a brand new structure will be both beautiful and relaxing. Contact the estate planning law firm to make plans for you to get a peaceful and happy retirement days.
Jefferson is the B&B capital of East Texas and is second only to Fredricksburg in the number of B&Bs. Next time you come to East Texas, give a Bed & Breakfast a try. In fact, give the Carriage House a try. I promise. You will be hooked.
Tags: Vacation, Weekend Getaway