Life as a Coffee Snob

coffee cups

It ain’t easy being an innkeeper.  The hours are long and the laundry never seems to end.  There is always one room that needs to be cleaned or needs some sort of repair.  You live your life in a constant state of being one project behind where you should be.

However, there are some real pluses to the job.  We LOVE our guests (really do!).  We get to experiment in the kitchen a lot (not always with good results) and we get to live in a beautiful old home full of stories and charm.  One of the other big pluses to the job is drinking awesome coffee…every morning.

I did not realize that I had become a coffee snob until last week.

Tom and I went to the Professional Association of Innkeepers International (PAII) Innkeeping show in Little Rock, AR.  It was awesome!!  I got to see some friends I only see once a year and learn some amazing cool things (watch for some new stuff to come).

However, the coffee in the hotel and at the show was AWFUL.  I mean really AWFUL!!  I mean rot gut!  Blech!!

We have been ordering our coffee from a roaster in Shreveport called Jelks Coffee for some time now.  We change the flavors for the season and order whole bean so that we grind fresh coffee every morning.  Right now we are working our way through Mardi Gras/ Valentines Day flavors.  We drink what the guests drink and I forgot what bad coffee tastes like.  YUCK!!

We spent a lot of time at this year’s show talking about why bed and breakfasts are a “Better Way to Stay” then hotels.  Well here is one reason.  We will NEVER serve you a bad cup of coffee ever and we will ALWAYS serve your coffee in a fabulous mug (think a Deneen Pottery Mug) not a Styrofoam cup.

A good cup of coffee to start the day really does make us a Better Way to Stay!!

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