Things are coming together

Hello World,

My first blogging post. Hmm-mm, what to say? If and when you ever meet me, I promise you this problem of what to say will never occur. I’m a chitty-chatty one. This world of running a bed and breakfast is a new experience for me even though I have been serving people and entertaining guests for over 30 years, I do feel quite comfortable here at the Carriage House. I have so many plans for the future of this amazing house. I hope you all stay tuned to see what I come up with.

I have been collecting ideas for about five years now. You should see the binders and binders of notes I have. Now just to compile them into one big ole plan and decide what to actually put into place. There are so many great things on the way. Stay tuned. As I learn how to work this thing called a computer and a camera and figure out how to download stuff, I will entertain you with all of my antics, new recipes, gardening tips, pet friendly treats and the wonderful ways of people that will now influence my life and yours.

So many people I have met in the last 3 months have filled me with joy and made me realize that this dream I have had for so long is actually a reality and it is everything I had ever imagined it would be. My guests have introduced me to their families, sent me their favorite recipes, ran around town with me, sat in my kitchen, roasted marshmallows and toasted wine with me. One guest even let me drive their car ( I have a very small hard top convertible that is not very satisfactory to my new grocery shopping needs). What a glorious life in front of me.

I hope in time everyone that visits the Carriage House comes to love this place as much as I already do.My door is always opened. I look forward to meeting and chatting with all.

Talk with you soon,



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