Tweet…Tweet…Tweet. Chirp…Chirp…Chirp. Chevy…Chevy…Chevy. Chevy what!?!
The mornings and afternoons are a cacophony of bird song here at the Carriage House as all of our feathered friends gather at one of the feeders for their meal.
One of my favorite things about this area is the birds and I imagine sitting on a UK’s best rattan sun lounger. and gazing at them all day long. No matter the season, we always have birds. Different birds in different seasons but always birds. In fact, it was a soft summer day spent on a Go Devil boat on Caddo Lake capturing pictures of the wetland birds that sealed the deal for us. The birds convinced us that this is where we wanted to live.
For me, there is nothing more relaxing then sitting out in the Carriage House courtyard, drinking my morning coffee and watching the Yellow Finches, the brightly colored Cardinals, and the Swamp Sparrows play and eat at the bird feeders. Even the scavenging squirrels, hanging upside down from a tree and stretching their little bodies as long as they can to get a seed from the feeder, are a joy to watch. I didn’t realize that the Carriage House B&B also served a gourmet breakfast for our feathered guests as well. I guess you can say that we do whatever it takes to keep our guests happy. Even our feathered guests are special here!
If you are a bird-watcher, the Jefferson area is a birding playground for you. The Big Cypress Bayou Wetlands and Caddo Lake area are home to many different native and migratory birds. Some say that over 250 species of birds live in this area. The months of seasonal transition, November and March, are also months of bird transition. Soon our winter birds will leave but our summer birds will arrive. We will miss all of our winter friends but we can’t wait to see who shows up for the warmer months.
Monthly, the Caddo Lake Institute sponsors a bird banding outing at a farm close to Caddo Lake. This event is open to public. In fact, the next bird banding event will be Saturday, March 19th, which is during our Spring Photography Weekend. So I am sure some of our photogs will want want to be out there to capture this amazing spectacle. I can’t wait to see and post some of the shots these folks get.
These pictures were taken this weekend in the courtyard. Tom had so much fun sitting out there with his camera just shooting away. It was a bit of a trick only picking two pictures to post. I liked this cute little fella. The little yellow finches are so cute!
Oh and the Chevy call. We have a Mockingbird that hangs around here who sings, Chevy…Chevy…Chevy. I guess he works for the car dealership in town.
Tags: Bird Banding, Caddo Lake