I’m with the Photographer

Tom got up early this morning.  I mean really early.  By 5am he was in the kitchen banging around and starting a crock pot full of beans.  Dixie, the Golden Retriever, and I were for once in full agreement.  The bed was warm and the morning was not ready to be begun.  The Bug, however, was throwing herself against the sides of her crate whimpering and demanding to be let out. For a little dog, she can make quite a big racket.

By 6am, my beloved had enough of me lounging around and crawled back into bed with cold feet.  I guess he thought he was super cute when he woke me up by touching my warm legs with his ice covered toes. Why do people think it is cute to touch your bare skin with their cold feet?  Be clear, I will seek revenge for this crime of winter!

Tom couldn’t sleep.  He was too excited about the snow.  This far south, snow is unusual and a snow day is a day to be celebrated.  We are always amazed and inspired by the beauty of a fresh blanket of snow even if it looks odd clinging to the knees of a bald cypress tree in the swamps.  It only adds to the mystical and ethereal quality of this area.  Snow for us is a treat…a cold wet treat!

Just like a little boy, Tom couldn’t wait to go outside and play with his toys.  Of course, his toys are a gear bag full of camera equipment and going out to play with his toys somehow involved me getting out of bed and going with him.  So at the crack of dawn we were out pounding the icy pavement of Jefferson Texas.  We were everywhere.  We literally went from one side of the Historic Riverfront District to the other.  At one point, we were crawling along the banks of the Big Cypress Bayou holding on to trees to keep ourselves from slipping into the cold water.  We went up and down the streets getting pictures of these beautiful old homes covered in a blanket of the white stuff.  If you saw someone creeping and clambering through your yard, it was probably us.  Just in case you are wondering, I was the one in the back complaining about my feet being numb (no snow boots).

Photography is Tom’s passion, and as it turns out, he is really good at it.  From a distance, photography looks like a solitary pursuit.  Just a man and his camera out exploring and capturing the essence of nature.  In reality, every photographer has a tag along.  In the industry, I guess they call them grips.  In this household, we call them wife.  Rarely does Tom and his camera ever go out alone.  In truth, I enjoy the adventure as much as he does.  Through Tom’s eyes I have seen places and explored nature like I would have never done on my own.

This passion was our inspiration for the Photography Weekends here in Jefferson.  One weekend each quarter we get the best photographers like Toronto commercial photographer and photographers of all experience levels from all over the country together for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and photography.  Our next event is scheduled for 3/18 – 3/20 and we only have a few spots left so you should probably call us at 903-665-9511 to reserve your place.

Oh and of course, bring your grip.

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