Is it spring yet…please??

It has been yet another cold blustery day here in Jefferson, Texas.  We have taken all of the precautions that we can here at the Carriage House Bed and Breakfast to keep our pipes from freezing.  We have all of the faucets in the cottages dripping and have the heaters on in all of the rooms.  So far, so good.  We have not had any catastrophes.  I know that many people in these old historic homes have not fared so well.

Winters are supposed to be mild here in North East Texas.  I promise you that is what it says in all of the literature and I do have palm trees in my front yard so it helps further the myth.  In truth, it was in the 70s last weekend and we were all feeling sorry for the folks up north.  But since Monday, we have been bundled up and shivering just like they are.  Brrrrr.  It is not supposed to be like this.  I think my toes have gone numb.

I am a member of the Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club and enjoy every one of our monthly meetings.  We do have really interesting speakers come in and talk to us about gardening, history, and preservation of this amazing old town. Today’s topic was on Butterfly Gardening.  A topic near and dear to my heart.  I had to giggle at the program name, “Don’t Kill Your Dinner Guests!”  That is some sage advice I think. 

I got heartsick looking at all of the beautiful pictures of the pretty plants and my fingers got itchy to get into the dirt and plant something.  When she put up pictures of our native dogwoods and redbuds, I had to take a deep sigh and ask, “is it spring yet”?

I put a ton of time and effort into the Carriage House gardens last year.  You couldn’t really tell because they are young immature gardens with baby plants just struggling to get established.  My mother always told me that the first year your new plants sleep.  The second year they creep and the third year they leap.  In other words, I can’t expect much from them this year either.  I am sitting in today’s meeting and dreaming of all of the new plants that I want to plant this year.  Aaahh.  Thoughts of Milkweed, Indian Blanket and Black Eye Susan’s are dancing in my head.  My desk is covered with plant and seed catalogs just waiting to be perused and dog-eared as I begin to make my landscape plans. 

Although it is the first week of February, I think it is safe to say that I have caught spring fever.  The cold is only frustrating me as like all Southern Belles, I anxiously await for the day that I can get back outside and into my gardens.  It won’t be this week though.  It is supposed to snow tonight.

Is it spring yet?

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