More July 4th Activities in Jefferson, Texas

Here are a few more fun activities that you can enjoy while visiting Jefferson this weekend.

  • Riverport Ambassadors of Jefferson, Texas will introduce “persons in character” at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 3, 2010 in downtown Jefferson. The members in period costumes will recreate the atmosphere of Jefferson during the Civil War as guides interpret the mid-1800’s to bring history to life.

    The gathering will take place under the trees at the First National Bank located at 202 N. Polk. A band of merry characters will be on hand for this inaugural experience. You could see Civil War heroes, scalawags, railroad tycoons, clerks, church ladies or steam boat captains. This is a great opportunity to put history in your children’s eyes as the Riverport Ambassadors take you through a stroll of Jefferson history.

    Jefferson is a showcase of the Golden Era with many people still living in restored nineteenth-century homes. It is a town of warm hospitality with a rich past.

  • July 1, 2010 – July 3, 2010: “The Boyfriend” Summer Musical -An East Texas version of an American Parody of an English Spoof on the 1920’s!. July 1, 2 & 3 at the Russell Building, 121 W. Austin St. Tickets available at Blessings Gift Shop, 119 N. Polk St. Adults – $15 — Child under 12 – $10. Limited Seating. Info: 903-665-3895. Any tickets left for purchase may be sold at door but there is limited seating–less than 70 this time, so hurry! Young people shine in this one! And it’s ridiculously silly and lots of fun for the whole family!

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